Jesus Christ lived for 33 years and began his ministry when he was 30 years old. Jesus performed many miracles while teaching about the Kingdom of God. Jesus raised the dead, healed the sick, fed the hungry and cast out demons. Jesus taught Love, Forgiveness, and Compassion for others while speaking out against hypocrisy, injustice and cruelty. The specific words Jesus spoke during his life are highlighted in "Red Letter Bibles". These unique Bibles help us to focus specifically on Jesus' personal message to the world.
We have created a free eBook for you providing ONLY "Jesus Red Words". Outlined by Chapter & Verse without any human interpretations or opinions. For the first time you are free to experience ONLY Jesus words and let them fill your spirit while advancing your personal journey with our Savior Jesus Christ.
Miracle Woman, Charlotte Holmes was clinically dead for 11 Minutes. She recalls seeing her lifeless body and then going to Heaven. Listen to her share her amazing story and the message from Heaven she has to share with us.
Dean Braxton dies, and talks to Jesus and describes what Heaven looks like...Shocking Testimony
A message for Humanity: Chris Batts shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after jumping from a moving vehicle during a suicide attempt. On the Other Side he communicated with the Source, met with Angels, and was given a message for Humanity.